Email to Social Media Matching Tool
Chances are you’ve been building your email list for a while. You may have lots of email addresses for your customers and potential customers.
But wouldn’t it be helpful to have a more complete picture of their online behavior? Wouldn’t it be nice to connect with them on LinkedIn or follow them on Twitter?
That would allow you to understand more about your potential customers, target them with unique messaging, and drive better connections over time.
At Analytive, we believe knowledge about your customers and their needs is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal.
Thus, we created the online social media matching profile. Simply put in email address and within seconds you can have matched social media profiles. It’s that simple.
About the Data:
The data collection is provided by our friends over at FullContact. In order to access this data, you’ll need to create a unique API using their developer tools.
In order to use this tool, you’ll need to agree to the data policy for FullContact.
You can find the tool here.
But before you do that, you’ll need to create an account with FullContact. Our tool uses the data from the FullContact API in order match the social media profiles.
To setup a developer account, visit the FullContact developer portal(
Once you setup your FullContact account, you’ll need to find your API key. This is the key that allows you to pull the data from full contact. Copy that key. You’ll need it.
In order to use the tool, you’ll need to enter your email address. Enter your email when prompted

Now you’ll need to enter your API key.
Once you enter the API key, there are two ways to enter your email addresses. First you can just copy and paste our of a spreadsheet. Or if you prefer you can upload a CSV with the emails.
Be sure your CSV file contains only a single column with email address. No headers or labels are allowed.
Once you input the emails, hit the “Get Data” button.

Within seconds the tool will begin to match the email addresses you uploaded with the social media accounts FullContact has on file.
The progress bar at the top shows how the progress of the queries.
Once we’ve processed all the emails, you’ll see what percentage of them actually turned into a match and you’ll be able to download a CSV of all the matched profiles.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
*By using this tool, you agree to receive emails from Analytive.