A Love Note to Long Copy ❤️
Oh, long copy, how powerful you are.
How beautiful you are at persuading and delivering answers. For telling stories. For being so dependable in sales and in marketing.
Your ability to explain complex topics, build trust, and endure for time immemorial is simply unmatched.
Although many people will never read you, the people who do are the important people. They are the people who are interested. They are the people who will buy. They are the people who we want to talk to.
Whether you are in a print ad, in a video, on a landing page, or in a blog post, people simply love reading you. They consume you.
And of course, not all of you is created equal. There is the disposable copy. The copy without meat. Without gravitas.
Yes, some of you is a waste. And I’m sorry for the times I’ve used you in such a way.
But when you’re done well, you’re so powerful. So influential. So able to persuade. To change people’s minds. To entertain.
And most importantly: to sell.
So dearest long copy, I know that forever you will be in my marketing toolkit. That when persuasion needs to be used. When information needs to be shared. When value needs to be added: I know you’ll be there.
Like a faithful friend I can rely on when I need you the most: you’ll show up. And you’ll deliver.
So thank you long copy. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for being there for our clients.
And thank you for your constant service. I’ll see you again soon.
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