😳 Your Customers Are Completely Nuts!! 😳
Which ones are irrational?
All of them.
I’ve been digging deeper into the irrationality of humans.
Before the past 2 years, I assumed people make the logical decision 90% of the time and act irrationally ~10% of the time.
I’m now convinced it’s the opposite. I think we’re really rational about 10% of the time.
Now that’s a bold statement. I could back this up with the latest scientific research and books.
Or I could just point out one thing: In last year’s presidential election, half of the country voted for a candidate you think is crazy.
If you’re a Trump supporter, you don’t understand how anyone could vote for Hillary. If you’re a Hillary supporter, you don’t understand how anyone could vote for Trump.
And you believe your view is the most logical. But there are some smart people who disagree with you.
I’m making no political statements, but I’m simply pointing out that we don’t always make the most rational decisions.
Take another example: Studies have been conducted on people with brain injuries – specifically injuries impacting the part of the brain connected to emotions.
One would think these people are empowered to make the most logical choices at all times.
But in fact, this disability makes it difficult for them to make simple decisions.
Let me repeat: People without the emotional part of their brain functioning properly have trouble making decisions.
As marketers, we can use this to persuade others.
For example, the fear of loss is over twice the joy of gain. People would much rather keep what they have than gain something new.
So in your message, focus on what people lose if they don’t work with you or purchase your product.
Make your copy not about gain, but about protecting from loss.
There are dozens of these flukes in the human mind. And many of them are documented.
I’m not advocating manipulation. And I only believe if using your newfound persuasion power for good.
But as marketers, there’s a lot we can learn from the field of psychology.
Here’s the takeaway: Your customers aren’t making rational decisions. If you pretend they are, you are going to lose.
Market irrationally.
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